Thelwell to RPW Letter 5/25/64
Mike Thelwell continues his correspondence with Warren regarding Warren's participation in a hearing in Washington; Thelwell is attempting to schedule the hearing for June 8 so that Warren may attend. Thelwel names several others who have agreed, or may agree, to sit on the panel and updates Warren on the panel's support from several civil rights organizations.
Related Documents:
Thelwell to RPW Letter 5/14/64
Thelwell to RPW Letter 5/16/64
Thelwell to RPW Letter 5/25/64 Searchable Text
Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee
National Headquarters: 6 Raymond Street, N.W. ' Atlanta 14, Georgia ' Area Code 404-688-0331
Tel. 387-7445 3418 Eleventh Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20010
May 25, 1964
Mr. Robert Penn Warren
2495 Redding Road
Fairfield, Connecticut,
Dear Mr. Penn Warren,
Thank you very much for your reply and concern. I understand
how busy you must be. I am working on getting the hearings
moved up one day as you suggested and there appears to be no
real reason why they cannot be held on the 8th. However this
will depend on whether the other persons who have consented to
appear can come on June 8th.
On our progress to date: we have secured the National Theater
in which to hold the hearings, and a number of persons have
agreed to serve on the panel. The hearings are endorsed by the
major civil rights organizations; NAACP, SCLC, CORE, SNCC, The
Urban League and the National Council of Negro Women all voted
to support the hearings at a recent meeting.
The response has been encouraging, at least to the letters
sent out from Washington. Mr. Michael Harrington, Mr. Joseph
Heller, Dr. Harold Taylor, Mr. Gresham Sykes of the American
Sociological ASsociation, and Mr. Paul Goodman have agreed to
come. We hope to hear favorably from Mr. John Hersey, Mr.
Norman Cousins, and Mrs. Marshall Field in the near future.
But even if we don't, and you and Mr. Woodward are able to
come, we will have a panel of formidable moral and influential
presence. I know that you understand how crucially important
it is that the hearings be successful. I will contact
you by telephone as soon as the date is cleared - perhaps tomorrow.
With every good wish,
Yours for Freedom,
Mike Thelwell
MT: jg
"One Man, One Vote"
THE STUDENT NONVIOLENT [Postmark: WASHINGTON, D.C. 5B PM 25 MAY 1964] [Postage: 8 cents]
3418 Eleventh Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20010
Mr. Robert Penn Warren
2495 Redding Road
Fairfield, Connecticut
[Manuscript note: "Air Mail"]