Carmichael to RPW Letter 6/9/65
Stokely Carmichael continues his correspondence with Warren. He has read some of Warren's recent work and notes his own views have changed since that interview. He acknowledges receipt of a copy of Who Speaks for the Negro?, discusses his travel plans, and mentions an appointment with Warren that was never confirmed.
Carmichael to RPW Letter 6/9/65 Searchable Text
CollapseAlabama SNCC
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Silas Norman,
311/2 Franklin St. Selma, Alabama State Project Director
Phone: 872-1426 872-4801
June 9, 1965
Dear Mr. Warren,
I am sorry for not writing sooner but I’ve been extremely
busy, working in Lowndes County and moving back and forth between
Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. I just read your article
in Commentary two weeks ago. It was a very accurate representation,
although I must admit that I have changed my views
since that interview.
I received the copy of Who speaks for the Negro, but I’m
unable to give you my opinion on it since I have not had the
time to read it. Hopefully, one of these days, I’ll sit down
with it since I am extremely interested in what it says.
Thank you for sending me the copy.
I’m leaving in a few minutes for Washington, D.C., and
can be reached through the SNCC office there. I plan to
remain until the end of the month. I’ll return to Alabama
in the beginning of July, and my address will be Selma SNCC.
Vaguely, I remember an appointment we discussed, but I
never received any follow-up on it so I assumed it was
cancelled. I hope I am correct and did not inconvenience
you. I’ll be in constant contact with the above addresses
if you would like to get in touch with me.
Yours for Freedom,
[signed] Stokely
Stokely Carmichael [Postmark: SELMA ALA. JUN 8. PM 1965] [Postage: 5 cents]
The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
[Address deleted from two lines]
31 1/2 Franklin Street
Selma, Alabama
Mr. Robert Penn Warren
2495 Reeding Road
Fairfield, Connecticut