Erskine to RPW letter 7/27/65
Discussion of sales of book.
Erskine to RPW letter 7/27/65 searchable text
Collapse(Albert Erskine)
July 27, 1965
Mr. Robert Penn Warren
West Wardsboro,
Dear Reed:
Thanks for the recent communications. The enclosures are safely here.
The letter from Neibuhr was really impressive. I wish that I could report
more impressive response on the part of the public: it is not bad, but it
seems to hold steady at an average of 250 a week, so far. If it would keep
that pace for several years, there would be nothing to complain about.
The real trouble, of course, is the absolute glut of reading material on
that subject and the feeling of many people that they have read all they
intend to about it. This was dramatized by the recent response of Victor
Waybright at New American Library. They not only did not want to make
an offer of any size for the reprint rights; they are trying to get out of
some existing contracts which they made some time ago to do other
books on the subject. Because of this reaction, I strongly advise you to
agree to a Vintage edition as soon as possible—probably Spring-1966. I
believe that this would generate about as much revenue as any
arrangement we could make outside, and it would certainly increase the
number of readers, especially among the young and non-afluent
(affluent). Since I cannot tell them to go ahead until I have your
approval, I hope you will let me have it right away.
We have no news beyond the advent of Bridgeport hydrolic (hydraulic)
water—on a limited basis for the time being. They tore me and the place
apart getting it in.
Love to all from all,