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Advertisement for Who Speaks for the Negro. It includes comments from Maurice Dolbier, Charles Poore, Gilbert Highet, and C. Vann Woodward. A manuscript note indicates it appeared in the New York Times on June 18, 1965.
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Collapse[Manuscript note in top margin: "6/18/65 NYT"]
[Image: Spine and cover of book, including the text: "WHO SPEAKS FOR THE NEGRO? ROBERT PENN WARREN A RANDOM HOUSE BOOK"]
“The best book yet
about the Negro
revolution in
modern America:
its causes and possible consequences, its problems and its paradoxes, and the
issues that unite, and that divide, its leaders and spokesmen. Logic and
Southernness account for a part of the value and the power of his book, but to
them are joined Mr. Warren’s deep moral commitment as an artist and citizen
and his technical skills and integrity as a reporter.”
-MAURICE DOLBIER, N.Y. Herald Tribune
“By any measure, it is one of the
year’s outstanding books …. A long
book and a fascinating one. You must
read it slowly and carefully to get the
full values it offers, its brilliant play
in contrasting lights, its developments,
its searches for that elusive
contemporary target—a national
consensus." - CHARLES POORE,
The New York Times
“An absorbing book, and a valuable
document of contemporary history…
It contains interviews—sympathetically
conducted and carefully checked
by their subjects—in which Mr.
Warren discusses the Negro revolution
with James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison,
James Farmer of CORE, James
Forman of SNCC, Adam Clayton
Powell, Bayard Rustin of the War
Registers' League, Roy Wilkins of the
NAACP, Malcolm X, Whitney Young
of the Urban League, and a large
number of less prominent but equally
energetic and vocal Negroes in many
different parts of the United States.
Each interview is not merely a transcribed
dialogue. It also gives Mr.
Warren’s impression of that particular
Negro’s personality, his emotional
state, his intellectual competence and
integrity, and his potentialities as a
social and political leader.”
Book-of-the-Month Club News
“The most searching exploration of
the thought and emotion, the tensions
and conflicts of the greatest American
social upheaval of this century.”
-C. VANN WOODWARD, New Republic
$5.95, NOW AT YOUR BOOKSTORE RANDOM HOUSE [Image: Random House logo]