Stokely Carmichael to RPW letter 12/22/1964
Brief letter about meeting with Warren.
Stokely Carmichael to RPW letter 12/22/1964 searchable text
Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee
National Office Auxiliary Office
708 Avenue N 6 Raymond Street, N.W.
Greenwood, Mississippi Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Dec. 22, 1964
Dear Mr. Penn Warren,
Please excuse this informal note. I am sorry I just received your letter. I have been out of Greenwood, doing some work in other areas of the state to help with the challenge. I hope you get the letter in time and I hope you find the comments useful. I would like to wish your family a happy holiday. I will be in and out of Miss. during the spring, but if you let me know in advance when you will be down, I'll be more than glad to see you.
Yours for Freedom
Stokely Carmichael
"One Man, One Vote"