"Strictly Personal" Review
"Strictly Personal" Review searchable text
Rel. May 27th
Reviewed on Radio Program “Strictly Personal” by Esther R. Mahoney Over the NBC Station WHHY, Montgomery, Ala., at 8:45 a.m. 5/27/15
“Who Speaks For The Negro” asks Robert Penn Warren in an exhaustive 460 pages of a book that is this distinguished Kentucky-born Rhodes scholar, L.S.U. professor and popular author’s look at the South of today. Not only the South, but all of the nation, all of the world . . . Traveling thousands of miles, interviewing hosts with the help of a tape recorder, Warren embodies in his book the direct quotas of such people as Martin Luther King, Roy Wilkins, James Farmer, Adam Clayton Powell, Malcolm X., James Baldwin, Ralph Ellison, Ruther Turner, Izell Blair, Bayard Rustin, and a host of others. There are half a dozen entries on Montgomery and there is reference to Juliette Morgan’s letter published in the Montgomery Advertiser, where the bus boycott here was compared to Gandhi’s salt march to the sea . . . There may be some question of Warren’s selectivity in the quoted interviews, but there will be none of accuracy; some may be critical of his conclusions, but none of the scope of his thesis . . . Robert Penn Warren’s “Who Speaks for the Negro?” has just been published under the imprint of Random House of New York, priced at $5.95.
(Handwritten note in italics)