White supremacist pamphlet
Pamphlet from the "Sam Adams Committee of Public Safety."
White supremacist pamphlet searchable text
[Full-page image of a man and woman looking at a flag with a jagged line on it]
The Sam Adams Committee of Public Safety
Patriotic Political Action
The United States Today
162 Million Whitefolk
22 Million Negroes
6 Million Jews
2 Million other non-Whites
192 Million
Dedication –
Major General Edwin A. Walker
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SAM ADAMS – Patriot
This organization is named for Samuel Adams (1722-1803), American revolutionary patriot and statesman.
Various Committees of Public Safety functioned as executive bodies in the colonies before and during the Revolutionary War.
The decision of the Committee of Public Safety, established by the second Provincial Congress of Massachusetts in February, 1775, to occupy Charlestown and Dorchester Heights, led to the Battle of Bunker Hill.
Sam Adams decisively influenced every important aspect of the pre-revolutionary struggle against Great Britain. In the realm of practical politics, he promoted the formation of the Boston chapter of the Sons of Liberty. He gained a reputation as a literary agitator and revolutionary ideologist. The first pitched battle of the Revolution occurred when British troops, en route to Lexington to arrest Sam Adams, met the armed resistance of the loyal patriots.
The historian, John Hyde Preston, in his book entitled REVOLUTION 1776 has this to say of Sam Adams: “Samuel Adams has a much clearer claim than George Washington to the title of Father of His Country. Adams was the father, Washington the nurse. Adams conceived the infant, and Washington saved its life.”
Preston goes on to say: “Samuel Adams was born with a rebel’s soul; he had a genius for rebellion.”
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[Image entitled “Idiot Card” depicts a “propaganda” machine purveying the message “Jews and Negroes are Tops.” The caption reads “Modern ‘Thinking.’”]
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Why does a Whiteman hate his own kind, and why does he wish to destroy his own kind by intermarriage with non-Whites ? The answer lies in our educational system and in our political system, both of which are operated not only for the degradation of the Whiteman, but for the degradation of all races to a subhuman, animalistic level.
Our present-day educational system produces people who are stripped of all race-pride and moral courage, and filled with self-hatred and disgust. A twelve year course of carefully planned and executed brainwashing in the public schools destroys inner pride and self-identity. The products of this process enter into public, adult life as racial zombies, able to fulfill a robot role in a factory or office, but unable to exercise or live up to their duties as Whitemen and Whitewomen to bear the responsibilities of maintaining and furthering Western Civilization.
The most vicious of these robots enter into our political system. They welcome each new act of individual self-degradation as a badge of honor. These parliamentary politicians hate Western Civilization, because this means living up to and maintaining the standards above and beyond individual self-interest and greed.
When these ‘democratic’ politicians act to tear down the last vestiges of our great Western Civilization, which has been built at such cost by so many generations of Whitefolk, a few of us are incensed and outraged.
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But most people accept as a matter of course the dictates of these politicians, that our Civilization must be destroyed, and that we, as a sort of half-negroids, must sink to a lower form of existence, so represented by the squalid multi-racial nations of Haiti and Brazil. This is called ‘the equalization of living standards’.
But there are a small minority of us who are still Whitemen! We are not robots …we have not been affected by the brainwashing in the public schools…and we despise our traitor-politicians! We, a historic few, say to this parliamentary scum …
We are of the same stock as the legions of Caesar, the Vandals who sacked a degenerate Rome, and the sailors of Sir Francis Drake !
Well we know the role which history has prepared for us. Although we have been born into a moral and spiritual squalor worse than that of any nation in world history, we arise from this filth to assert ourselves as Whitemen!
Our enemies now are not Indians, disease, or wild beasts … they are the mass of non-Whites, and by non-Whites we mean all those who think and act as negroids even if they have a white skin.
Nothing can save our Western Civilization except the harshest measures against these non-Whites, by means of propaganda and physical terror.
There can be no mercy for those who have abandoned their own racial identity and traditions through self-corruption and individual greed.
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[Image titled “Whitemen awake ! The hour is late !” depicts a white man breaking a chain cuffed to his wrists and in the process striking a Soviet soldier and an Uncle Sam figure wearing a dollar-sign armband.]
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Little Rock, Arkansas … Concord
Oxford, Mississippi … Bunker Hill
Again, the American Whiteman has asserted himself against a foreign dictatorship whose occupation center is Washington, D.C. This foreign control of our United States of America began in 1933 with the anti-White regime of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Using World War II to consolidate its power, this anti-White group disguised by the term ‘liberal’ has now over-reached itself, by the passage of the Civil Rights Bill.
This anti-White organization exhibits two faces to the outside world … the Democratic and Republican Parties. Commissar Eisenhower of the Republican Party used guns and bayonets against the White people of Little Rock, and Commissar Kennedy of the Democratic Party used guns and bayonets against the White people of Oxford. By doing this, the mask of ‘liberalism’ was removed for the world to see that behind ‘democracy’ lies the naked power of Jewish Communism … determined to destroy the Western Civilization of the Whiteman.
This use of naked power against the White people of America is an open admission of defeat by the Soviet-style Supreme Court, and the Federal Judiciary, both controlled by anti-White Jews. This exercise of naked power means that the Federal Government no longer represents the White people of the United States of America. Now, at last, the Federal Government openly admits that it is a foreign occupation dictatorship using armed force to maintain its edicts and directives upon the captive White citizens.
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Delineation of the Nation
1. We demand the union of all Whitemen of the North American continent into a common Folk Community.
2. Only members of our Whitefolk may be citizens of the Nation.
3. No Communist or Liberal may be a citizen of the Nation, because of advocacy of the mongrelization of our Whitefolk.
4. No Humanist or Pacifist may be a citizen of the Nation, because of disloyalty to the Nation.
Folk Policy:
5. The Government shall promote Whitefolk integrity through the complete and officially enforced segregation of all non-Whites in the Nation.
6. We demand that all intermarriage between citizens of the Nation and non-Whites in the Nation be outlawed.
7. We demand the creation of a National Eugenics Commission to secure the ethnic future of our Whitefolk.
8. Immigration shall be restricted to select Whitefolk from lands of ethnic consanguinity.
Civil Rights Policy:
9. All citizens of the Nation shall share equal duties and enjoy equal rights and privileges.
10. The right to vote on the Government and legislation of the Nation shall be the privilege of citizens of the Nation only.
11. Only citizens of the Nation may be candidates for public office, and be employed in departments and agencies of the national and local governments.
12. Only citizens of the Nation may engage in jurisprudence, and be eligible for court and jury duty.
13. Only citizens of the Nation may bear arms and serve as members of the armed forces of the Nation.
14. All persons engaged in activities of entertainment and educational and cultural expression must be citizens of the Nation.
Economic Policy:
15. The workers, farmers, industrial and agricultural technicians, engineers, managers, and businessmen, as citizens of the Nation, shall work together as a
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team and be represented by their own members in the Government … they will subordinate their individual and group interests to the greater interests of their Whitefolk as a whole.
16. The Government shall secure private enterprise by guaranteeing equality of economic opportunity for all citizens of the Nation.
17. We demand a fair price for both producer and consumer, and the safeguarding of both against speculation and profiteering.
18. As science increases the power to produce, we demand that the purchasing power of the consumer be raised proportionately.
19. The Government shall alone exercise its constitutional right to issue debt- and interest-free currency, based on the national production of goods and renderance of services.
Social Policy:
20. The Government shall secure the unending improvement of the health and living conditions of the citizens of the Nation.
21. We demand the total elimination of flood and dust-bowl conditions under a long-range program to conserve, utilize, and develop the water, soil, forest, mineral, and nuclear resources of our North American continent.
22. We demand the development of proper recreational facilities for the Whiteyouth of the Nation, beginning with the establishment of youth centers in every community.
23. We demand the complete reorganization of our educational system, so that every individual citizen of the Nation is afforded full opportunity for self-expression, self-realization, and thorough integration into the life of his Folk Community.
Foreign Policy:
24. We demand that the sovereign interests of our Nation be secured by firm and sound bilateral diplomacy.
25. A strong and effective system of national defense shall be created to meet any international eventuality.
26. We demand the formal incorporation of Canada, Greenland, and the adjacent North Polar Regions into our Nation.
Political Policy:
27. We demand a reorganization of all governmental departments to eliminate duplication, waste, and corruption, and to insure efficiency, economy, and sound administration.
28. We demand the elimination of all ideology and influences from every phase of our political and cultural life which tend to cause the degeneration of our Folk Community.
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The Sam Adams Committee of Public Safety
Patriotic Political Action
This year must be the year of political counterattack against the insidious forces of diversion and subversion within our midst.
THE SAM ADAMS COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY has been founded to reassert the political functioning of the Whitefolk majority within our United States of America.
Since the turn of the century, our American political scene has been dominated by various factions and self-interested minority pressure groups whose goals have generally not included the promotion of the general welfare and the survival of the Nation.
This has produced an intolerable political situation within, and an impossible foreign posture without, our United States of America.
The fragmentation of our American political life by Trotsky-type politicians of both the Democratic and Republican Parties is directly responsible for the continuing victory of International Communism.
These is [sic] only ONE SOLUTION … rebuild the political organization of the ineffective Whitefolk majority, and concentrate its united will upon the political questions of the day.
THE SAM ADAMS COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY will attack the local Trotsky-type politicians of both the Democratic and Republican Parties. It will conduct a campaign of propaganda and physical terror against the guilty individuals and their associates.
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It will drive these traitors from office, and reduce them to a position where suicide will be the only salvation for their crimes against their own people, their own society, and their own Civilization.
It will organize public meetings, publish hard-hitting exposes of the minority diverters and subverters in our midst, issue directives to its members and affiliates with reference to specific issues and problems, and will directly sponsor individual candidates for any and all public offices.
THE SAM ADAMS COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY will pre-select the candidates for public offices so that the individual voter-member of the Whitefolk majority will be able to make a positive decision at the polls.
It will aim at the complete control of the status-making machinery within our local society.
The Executive Committee will assign a speaker to appear before your group for detailed exposition of our plans and methods, at no obligation, and in complete confidence.
M. Nelson
P.O. Box 1785
Chicago 90, Illinois
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full-page image of a lynching with text that reads:
to the Traitors
It’s time for old-fashioned
American Justice