RPW to Mapp Letter 2/6/66
Warren replies to Pattye Mapp's correspondence of February 3. Having studied the statement on Vietnam that Mapp sent, he regrets that he cannot reverse his decision not to appear at the SNCC fundraiser.
This is apparently a draft or copy of the actual correspondence.
Related Documents:
Campbell to RPW Letter 12/7/65
Campbell to RPW Letter 1/19/66
Campbell to RPW Letter 3/14/66
RPW to Mapp 2/6/66 Letter Searchable Text
Collapse[This is apparently a draft or copy of a letter.]
2495 Redding Road, Fairfield, Connecticut, February 6, 1966
Dear M[i]ss Mapp:
Thank you for your letter of February 3, and the enclosed
statement on Vietnam by the SNCC staff. I am tardy in answering
because only last night I returned from a trip to the Middle
West. I have studied the statement, and I wish I could say
that I change my mind about coming to Boston on March 4. But,
in all honesty, I simply can't. This decision is a wrench to
my sympathies, but it has to be that way.
Very sincerely yours,
Robert Penn Warren